During the first quarter of 2017, COERR Kanchanaburi implemented the livelihood program with the participation of refugee staff in meeting and planning of the program activities for the whole year. Then, announcement about refugee participation in livelihood program were placed in Ban Don Yang camp, Kanchanaburi Province and Ban Tham Hin camp, Ratchaburi Province. During February - March, a number of Trainings of Trainer were held to equip the Camp-Based Refugee Staff (CBRS) to acquire skills that would enable these CBRS to transfer the knowledge to the new refugee farmers in their communities.
In Ban Tham Hin camp, a workshop on Basic Organic Agriculture was held on March 14-16, for 6 CBRS.
In Ban Don Yang camp, a workshop on Soil Quality Test and Soil Condition Improvement was held on March 23-25, for 8 CBRS.
In Ban Don Yang camp, there was also a training on March 22-24 on Basic Organic Agriculture for 17 new refugee farmers.
In general, the Livelihood Program consists of Agriculture and Non-Agriculture subjects. Livelihood in Agricultural skills consisting of training in cultivation and harvesting of vegetables, bean sprouts and mushroom; and animal husbandry such as fish, frogs, pigs, goats, etc. Progress report has been prepared each month. Accounting is also taught to help them control income and expenses of the program. Organic Agriculture Handbook will be published and distributed to the trainees too. Livelihood Fair will be organized twice a year in each camp for farmers to have their production on display and sales.

In Ban Tham Hin camp, a Management Training on Activity Report Writing was held on March 8, 2017

Training on Activity Report Writing for Ban Don Yang refugees on March 24, 2017

Announcement posters about Livelihood Program and Participation were placed in public areas in Ban Don Yang Camp, Kanchanaburi Province and Ban ThaHin camp, Ratchaburi Province

A Basic Organic Agriculture training for 17 new farmers was organized on 22-24 March 2017 at Ban Don Yang camp.